Hey, HCC!

I know that after our time together, your brain is going 100 miles an hour.  You've got questions. BIG ONES. 🙀

And I would never leave you hanging like that! So:

🔹 I've taken our top articles, built with the "FAQs" from all of my speaking engagements and put answers RIGHT HERE. 

🔹 I've added our most popular products, so you can implement those contract changes we talked about.... especially if you're a bit "whelmed"

🔹  And I'm giving you our COVID waiver for FREE.  

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➡Better contracts. More protection. Less Drama.⬅
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🎉for 20% off in our shop!!🎉

It's not just luck: Need details on the legal side of Running a business? Start Here >>>

Top Products

 Better contracts. More protection. Less Drama.
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HCCFRIEND for 20% off


Model Release: For Photos and Video

Third Party Payer - Wedding and Event Contract

Third Party Payer - Wedding and Event Contract

Styled Shoot Contract

Styled Shoot Agreement


Wedding Venue Rental Contract

Double Down on the important stuff

When running a successful wedding and event business, there are a lot of moving parts. Let me explain the boring-but-oh-so-critical ones.

The world is starting to open back up. You feel like your hands are tied, you don’t know what to do, and you don’t want to do the “wrong” thing. But…. you’ve got to start working again. Events are happening. So…..what do we do now? How do event pros proceed? And where do we go from here?.

Every wedding pro needs several contracts to make their business grow. Our most popular article EVER is here with the lowdown on what you need. READ MORE...

There are a LOT of legal issues with styled shoots. Who owns the images? How will they be credited? What happens if someone is hurt? Let's talk about the critical questions you MUST ask. READ MORE...

need help drafting stronger contracts?

Every contract needs a strong Statement of Work.  Even the best contract can be dismantled by poorly describing exactly what you do, and what makes your services unique!

Luckily for you, I've got a FREE DOWNLOAD that will help you write stronger, smarter statements of work.

Because better contracts = more protection = less drama.

Get the Free Download ➡
start here wedding business
questions about wedding industry

Remember - Engaged Legal is NOT a law firm. If you need legal representation, please visit http://www.cjfoxlaw.com OR email hello@cjfoxlaw.com.